Friday, January 17, 2014

Caloric intake and couscous

So, by best guess using various BMR calculators I use between 1400-1700 calories a day just living.  To get to my target weight of 154, that means I have to consume about 1500-1700 calories a day.  There is a lot of actual research behind this, but for simplicity sake we will say that I need to eat a sustaining diet, but work out to deplete the reserves.  Then my little muscles get bigger and eat the fat. Fairly simple right? 

1500 calories as all the intake!? Good lord, has my world just ended? I am a person that is susceptible to that horrible disease that manifests itself as me being 'hangry'.  Not familiar with this term? Well, it is what happens when someone is so hungry, they are angry.  Symptoms can range from an inability to focus on tasks and be productive, to downright mean and ready to stab people for a bagel.  (I am known for being horribly hangry when I tried to go gluten free for 2 weeks)  Still don't know what I am talking about? Replace the word 'hangry' with PMS, and perhaps it will make more sense.  WOO!

Wednesday I made couscous for dinner, then used some for lunch on Thursday. It left about 2-3 cups left over in the pot.  Healthy? Yes. Good base? Yes.  Too much? yes. Crap.

So recipes to use all of the left overs before the end of the week.

1/2 cup of Couscous - 1 cup of steamed vegetables - tab of butter - spices
1 cup of Couscous - 1 egg, and 1 egg yolk, spices, some parmesan, sprinkle with flour - mold and fry in cakes
1/2 cup of Couscous - scrambled eggs, sauteed onions/mushrooms, spices,

Today after work we leave on a road trip for the weekend, and that means that eating usually goes out the window.  Frustrating, but, as always I am preparing and trying to do my best. I packed some road snacks, mindful that for simplicity sake they are carbohydrate heavy.   The pack list for two:
Baggie of home made jerky, and spiced nuts
Baggie of tortilla chips
Baggie of carrots
some cheese and crackers
Blueberry juice for me, v8 fruit juices for him.

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