This weekend we were out of town, which usually means that eating habits get thrown out the window. Add in to some personal issues and I was perhaps at my most grumpiest when it came to food. All I wanted was a steak, and some deep fried goodies, and if both were smeared in dark chocolate, I would be all the better. In the previous post I mentioned how there was some forethought to preparing and taking food along with us, and generally we did good. (I fought those cravings! and maybe splurged a little). Food issues aside, I was happy to find that there was a gym in the hotel we were staying at. 5 min warmup on the elliptical followed by a shortened version of Zuzka's HIIT workout. I felt the squats later during our pairs kite performance.
Anyways, lets bring this blog back to the gardening side of the house; as I am sure by this point you are simply annoyed with my fitness and weight posts. It is winter, what can I tell you.

Friday evening before we left there was a nice package on the doorstep from Territorial Seed Company. Since we were in a rush I didn't get a chance to open them, but they were waiting for me when we returned. I am not sure how to describe how it feels to open up the package and neatly arrange each little seed packet. Each with it's own beautiful hand drawn picture of the vegetable on the cover. Yes this is about $55 of seeds, which seems like an awful lot for so little, but this represents potentially 2 years of vegetable garden growing. Or put in a different light, nearly 300-400 lbs of food.
In the next month we will be building the raised garden beds, and starting some of the hardier starts indoors.
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