Tuesday, January 28, 2014

inspiration from where?

Kid President has this to say.....

and I agree.

20. Thank You - And not just on Thanksgiving. Yes, I should say it more, for random things, for little things, and big things too, to the people that are closest to me, and those that are strangers.
19. Excuse me - and I am working on not saying it sarcastically. No more 'excuse me' with the wrong inflection and head wobble that really means "I can't believe you just f'ing said that".
18. Here is a surprise corn dog I bought you because you are my friend - okay... insert anything where it says corn dog.  Point is, I need to be even more giving.
17. I'm sorry - I have been working on this one.  Saying it more, but not saying it without feeling.
16. I forgive you - meh, I am a pretty forgiving person, so yay! One full point for me!
15. You can do it! - Work on this everyday at practice.  Working on saying it to myself too.
14. I've got bbq sauce on my shirt too - humility, humble, compassionate, whatever you want to call it, I am working on being more understanding of others situations.
13. Please - simple word with so much power, need to say it in a good manner.
12. Everything is going to be okay - yep, again, need to remember that sometimes people are having a bad time, sometimes they don't show it.
11. Ah you got me a corn dog too!? - Be appreciative of the little things people do for you. 
10. I don't know - this is hard for me, I am ready to admit when I don't know, but people fail to see it for what it is. Instead of seeing it as me being open to learn, and actively showing that I am not bs'ing you to your face, they see it as a weakness and dismiss me.
9. You're so awesome I named my dog/boat after you - meh, my dog is pretty cool.  But, take away from it that I should think about how little moments can inspire others. How you never know who will name their kid after you, because of one moment over a decade ago. (happened to me)
 8. Hello person I never met before, here is a high five - YES!
7. My sports team is not always the best sports team - yah..... but we are some of the funnest and classiest out there!
6. Nothing - ____________________
5. Fart sounds - hahahahha remember to laugh....
4. I disagree with you but I respect you [shortened version] - I try to keep this in mind all of the time, about how to compromise and become better as a whole, not just myself.
2. Life is tough, but so are you. - YES YES
1. something nice - yes, yes yes yes. Thank you kid president! 

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