Sun - 10-11 meet with derby girl, 7-9pm indoor practice
Mon - work 7:30-4, 4-5 gym,5:30-8:30 meeting
Tue - work 7:30-4:30, derby 6:30-10
Wed - work 7:30-4, 4-5 gym, 6:30-9:30 meeting (not going so I can spend quality time with the boy)
Thur -work 7:30-4:30, derby 6:30-10
fri - work 7:30-4, drive to Long Beach, WA for the weekend.
sat-sun Performance
EEP! It isn't technically a ton of things, but it is a lot of time. Especially when you consider my sleep schedule has me in bed from about 10-10:30pm to 6:50am. This means that I have to use most of my time for multiple things. If my body is doing something, my brain can do another.... right? Yes and no. If I am doing derby, I better be focused on my skating or I get hurt. Yet, I can use my work out time at the gym to decompress from work and think about things for the immediate future. A double edged sword since working out makes me naturally happier and more positive, and being positive helps solve some problems creatively. While I am at work, I tend to spend most of my down time doing research for the garden, flipping through images, and working out some of the details of running the business side of the derby team. (Being president has it's advantages and disadvantages, mainly it takes a LOT of my time)
Work takes up the majority of my day, and there are various issues I have with it. The pay isn't great, there are virtually no benefits, and I am stuck staring at a computer all day. It is very easy for me to get trapped into a negative cycle and feel down about it. Down right hate it at times, yet, I keep trying to stay positive. I hate sitting all day, so I took away my chair and instead stand at my desk. Next to the computer screen sits a jar of mini exercises that I can do at my desk in a minute; that keeps me active. The other upsides? Big picture window that looks across the pavement to a field that during the spring and summer is full of sheep, my dog is sleeping on a pillow next to me, and.... I have free internet to do all of my research.
In this above situation it is difficult to eat healthy, downright a pain in the ass sometimes. Breakfast is easy enough, and I have taken to really enjoying making it every morning. While it is cooking away I try to make lunch for both the Dutch Boy and myself. Usually it is a mix of leftovers, or nuts and jerky, or cheese and crackers. ( I try to make salads for myself) Dinner, is a crap shoot. We have gotten a lot better, and generally we make dinner 3 nights a week if not four. Considering we are both gone two nights a week, that really isn't all that bad for our lifestyle. Sadly tho, bread, pasta, and other wheat products are the backbone of most of those meals. While I love a bagel, and nearly killed people the two weeks that I tried to be gluten free, the amount of heavy carbs in our diet is troubling and we are trying to cut down. It is so difficult tho! All of the 'other meals' require either lots of time, or degrees in chemistry with a dash of alchemy. Sigh. Planning ahead a month in advance helps a little bit, and I am trying to chip away here and there. Like with this homemade jerky. The market had this meat on sale for $2 a pound, for a total of $9. Plus the roughly $7 in seasoning and marinade, and we have enough jerky (finished product on the right) to last for a few months. Lets for simplicity sake say that it cost $20 to make. Supposedly a 'serving size' is 1.5 pieces. Most bags of jerky purchased at the store have about 10-15 pieces. Each bag can cost anywhere from $5-$10.
So homemade jerky: Cost $20, Store bout equivalent: $40 *super rough estimate.
Next up, I am going to try and make a few one pot meals and freeze them ahead of time for the month. Research to do: Once A Month Meals.
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