Wattle time! A few weekends ago our neighbors B & M were trimming the leader sprouts from their apple trees and I jumped at the chance to get my wattle fence started. From the two trees there was just enough to start building one panel of the fence. It isn't perfect, but it is fun to put together and I think really adds to the overall appearance of the garden. A bit less of an eye sore for the neighbors, and a welcome hand built addition to the garden. Especially as I look into a few cottage flowers that can be grown along the fence that are not of preference to the deer. (since nothing is truly deer proof, they will eat anything, I just need it to be non-preferential for them to avoid it if they have good food elsewhere)
The weather has been difficult over the last few weekends, and in conjunction with my injury, work, and other commitments, it has been too difficult to get the garden beds built. grrr. This does not bode well for the next few months. Driving by others garden I am starting to notice the overturned soil, the building up of the internal structures, and a few other critical winter projects. I am not 'behind' on my ultimate timeline, but, with each passing weekend it means that more needs to be crammed into the few weeks before planting.
I am excited thinking about the garden. It livens my spirit and gives me a positive surge of emotion. A much needed jolt to my psyche when there are other stresses from outside that are pushing me down. That.... is for another post however.
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