So there is two parts to the garden. There is our 'kitchen garden' and then there is our 'homestead garden'. The kitchen garden is placed on one of the main decks that makes it easy for me to walk out and harvest quick things for a meal. This one I started the plantingfor a few weeks ago and had intended to only have this one garden. But that was before the tree removal talk. 4 Tomato plants, squash, cucumbers, pole beans, sugar snap peas, swiss chard, spinach, lettuce, basil, catnip, some strawberries, oregano, thyme, lemon thyme, and rosemary. Not super prolific, but just enough to make a quick meal if need be. After the tree cutters came, we noticed they had also significantly trimmed off some limbs that had given us a little bit of privacy on this deck. Not that we are really concerned with neighbors peeping in, it was just a little weird to get used to. So, to make it a little better I built a small bamboo trellis to grow snap peas and some climbing cucumbers and squash on. I am not sure if I picked the right plants as this area is what I would consider the 'shade' spot of the deck. Due to one remaining overhanging branch, this area only receives an hour or two of direct overhead sunlight, and 4-6 hours of sunset mid to low angle sunlight. I am really hopping it will be enough.
This garden is off and growing while I get the Homestead one established. Today Truck-driving-super-mom is bringing over a load of soil to get the beds ready, and I am hoping that I have everything ready for her! If not... at least there is a bottle of wine and a little bit of sunshine for our efforts!
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