10 July.
I intended to sleep in a little bit this morning, but the sound of voices on the porch woke me up at 7:15. I have had a few late night visitors in the past, but never early morning ones. Today the museum is supposed to be closed, so i am going to do some work around the property, hike the trails etc... My usual regime of sweeping everything and mopping. I plan to do a little bit of laundry, use that water to mop the deck, and whatever is left over to scrub the stairs. I’ve cleared 6 inches back of grass along the sidewalk and plan to keep it trimmed. I think Randy Morgenson expressed it clearly during his years as a back-country ranger. Although the area belongs to the greater public, it’s hard not to feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for the land. Certain trees become my familiars and as I walk past them I affectionally touch their bark as I would hug a friend. Each one different, each one brings a different sensation to my fingertips. The pitchy and gnarled up Douglas Fir reminds me of an
11 July,
News about Percy is ‘No idea what is wrong’. They did the x-rays, a radiograph and an electro-cardio-gram. All they were able to discover was a slow heartbeat while at the vets office. It’s a little frustrating not knowing what is wrong or how to fix it. I had a late night writing another story for my class. I felt like I was lacking inspiration, until I met 'L' the woman who helps take care of the property and the outhouse.
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