We took off today, April 9th, FINALLY! We were supposed to go yesterday but unfortunatley we had a minor glitch when a Georgia style monsoon came in. HA weathermen... said it was only a 20% chance of rain. We put in just below Strom Thurmond Dam on the South Carolina side. (next to the powerplant) Thankfully this time the weatherman said 20% chance of rain... it was clear and beautiful.
A few times we stopped and played musical boats, by the way good job Erns in my little Dagger. After we were about 1/3 of the way into the trip we took a slight detour and headed off down one of the side canals that passes through the golf course near Windmill plantation and pops out just above Fury's Ferry Road. Of course, we sent Chuck with his bowie knife ahead of us to look for alligator tracks :) lol. We couldn't have asked for better weather or better company. Surrounded by baby turtles
(Laura's favorite), yellow bellied slider turtles, snaper turtles, alligator gars, (spelling) great blue herons, white egrets, cormorants, and many many other various birds and fish. We were even graced at the very beginning of the trip with a Bald Eagle sighting near the Strom Thurmond Dam.
Thanks to Chuck Elliot for the kayaks and gear and thanks to everyone that came out, Pam, Brandi, Laura and Curtis. Hopefully you guys had a wonderful time!! **wink wink nudge nudge.
We took out at the Savannah Rapids Pavillion, but if you were to continue on you would either have to portage around this spillway,
or go for it!! ala Jason Benton . The chute that he goes over is located on the South Carolina side on the very far right of this picture. It is marked
with a green arrow. As you can see in the movie clip, it's not a bad little chute, but it can be unnerving for someone who hasn't paddled alot to try and go under the log and down the 10ft face. However, it can be worth it on a low-med water day. :)