Thursday, May 30, 2013

First Garden upset

Last night after going for a swim, I went to the garden for a little dirt therapy, only to find the first 'Garden Upset' of the season.  There, sitting on the side of the lower terrace that I had not planted yet, was a dog turd.  The neighbors rowdy black lab had broken through the deer fence, got trapped, and shat all over the garden.  Not only did I spend my time picking up the neighbors dog shit, I had to also patch the fence, and keep my anger down. 

I can't fault the dog for pooping, chances are it found its way into the garden and couldn't find its way out and thus, walked everywhere and pooped.  It happens. What does trouble me is two things.  This confirms that Rabbits will be able to get in under the fence and that is something I will need to take care of right away, and two, this dog has been a thorn in our side for a while. Since we moved in to the house in October, this dog has routinely escaped his house and made his way over to the trees by our bedroom.  Being the ever vigilant watch dog, he alerts us and everyone around that there is a raccoon or other animal in the area.  While normal dog behavior hardly bothers me, it frustrates me and the Dutch Boy when it is 4 am in the morning.  After several nights of this -granted at intervals over several months- Dutch Boy spoke with the owners, and that issue has not come up in a while. 

Likewise, I am not bothered that the dog comes over to visit. It seems everyone in our neighborhood has the same concept of dog ownership and freedom that I do with Rose my girl.  If Rose needs to go outside, I simply open the door and let her out, trusting her fully to come back when called, trusting that she doesn't tear up peoples lawns, and knowing that she is safe. The neighbor up the street lets their old golden retriever do this, as does the owner of black lab, albeit less so with him.  The golden and my girl are fairly care free, stick around, and do nothing but investigate and sleep in the grass. The lab, well, it is a lab, so it gets into all sorts of trouble. Again, I can't fault the dog for the garden upset, nor can I fully fault the owners, I simply need to be better and make the required changes in the garden so it doesn't happen again. At least we have spare strips of colorful kite material to tie on to the fence to make it more visible till another solution can be found.

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