Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Old Journal entries Episode 1.0

Dec 23rd, 2007 (Driving to Galveston with family en route to Cruise ship)

One thing I notice right away as we drive along the miles and miles of cracked highway corridor; the advertisers must have it easy. Their flashy billboards and bright colors provide a welcome relief to the travelers eyes bombarded by the utter drabness of dilapetated buildings, dusty laundry, and industrial parks. Even the small vestigs of humanity that are tucked in between the tons of concrete are quickly forgotten. their rusty memories congealing together in my brain leaving me with a feeling of despair.
We drive past a cemetery, a place of emotions and monuments of life, and I am shocked to see a car driving along its parkways. The sadness in this area seems as if its such an integral part of life and society that the last place loved ones would go is to an effigy of broken dreams and shattered hopes. It's odd, generally one would assume that with so many electrical lines hung precariously in the air, that it would give the area an energized feeling. What an odd conundrum that one always feel as if the atmosphere is pushing down on them ten times harder and is more oppressive.

Dec 26th, 2007 Jamaica
Sitting dockside in Jamaica. It's such a westernized activity. A ton of fat americans in stretched bikinis, gaudy fabrics and cameras, taking pictures of and gawking at the 'natives'. It's the same in every tourist town, a facade the tourists are directed down. Where the true nature of the island is one block behind in the filth, poverty and run down children. The most endearing part of our whole walk on Jamaica is the young black girl that reached out and touched my arm and smiled. Althought the sad truth is she is being cultivated to sucker in the tourist when she gets older.

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