B, Mar 12th
On the road again. This weekend its off to Powder Mountain Utah for the Superfly. It is the next stop on the Snowkite Circuit, with only one or maybe two more before the season ends. I wont be able to make the snowkite Rodeo in Montana because it is the same weekend as the

North America Bu
ggy Expo on Ivanpah lake south of Vegas. You guys probably drove through there last year on the way to the California coast.
Sigh, just looking at my travel list for the next few two and a half months, I am excited, but worried. The van is sure to die soon. The question is whether or not I will be lucky enough to have it happen when I am either here in Boulder or at my mom's/the island this summer.
How is your trip to Newfoundland going? Well I can imagine. That is such a beautiful part of the country (no B.C. tho!) I wonder if you are going by road, plane or train. I don't know if you heard that my travels will take me through your neck of the woods in a few months. I doubt you will have the time tho to visit. Oh well, I will continue to write as if we were still friends! I have to admit that seeing the photos of you at Lake Louise

has inspired me to add it to my travels this summer. I have seen photos of it since I was a child and have always wanted to go there. But that is for another letter. This one is supposed to be about my trip to Utah! After last weekend at the Colorado Snowkite Open, I now have a whole family of kiters from all around the country. I can't really think of anyone of the folks I met that wont be happy to see me again. I know that I will always have a fresh cup of coffee waiting for me and countless others either sleeping on floors or in the back of their vans/trucks/SUV's/Campers. It is definitely an added sense of security when you are in my position. Alone on the road. It's always nice to have a friendly face amongst the wilderness.
Anyways, the weather in Boulder is trying to be spring. It is kind of sad since we never really had full blown winter here. Before we could see the snow we all sat around anxiously awaiting, the birds started chirping and the tulips started to poke their leaves through the warming soil. Pussy willows are appearing on the trees and the temperature seems to want to stay around 60. It seem strange that here I have spent yet another spring in Boulder, and I am once again on the eve of my summer departure. Thankfully these trips I have been taking have been a good remedy for my greatest malady: Wanderlust. Actually, as you know, it hasn't cured me of it, it just has satiated my appetite a little. I fear tho, that it will take more and more trips to achieve this level of being ok with remaining relatively stationary. It was a lot easier when I only looked forward to the lighthouse. Then I could bemoan my time at home with nothing to do but plan. Now, I have what I wanted, a stable home and a life out of a duffel bag.
On the subject of home, I have really been developing my idea of it. The best way to describe it: I have always wanted to see my house as a museum of my life. A repository for the detritus that tends to collect about me. I also like having the thought although my 'life is afloat' I still have an anchor somewhere.
Till after the event,
Dear B, March 13th.

Driving across Wyoming. Awoke this morning at 5 am outside of Little America. After driving for an hour or so I pulled off on a ranch exit next to the train tracks, crawled atop a parked freight car and watched the sunrise. THe mountains and some cows at my back, along with the threat of a blowing front. Until now I had always hated driving across Wyoming, but there is something special about it. Long red roads and gusting winds, and thankfully a refined sense for Road music radio stations. I don't know if I would ever go so far as to live here, it will always remain a waystation state for my other journeys. Like now, I write this from Utah, waiting for the skippers meeting for the Powder Mountain Superfly.