Alright here I go again, I am going to drive out of Denver on May 12th and make my way to Omak Washington. How perfect that I will be hitting up that old familiar stretch of I90 that my mom and I drove on twice when we moved to and from Wisconsin.
Right now I am trying to decide where I am going to make my stops etc.... and where I will make the overnight stop. I know that I will stop in Spokane and see some friends... but other then that I don't know.
Possibly sleep over in : Lewis and Clark Caverns or the Missouri Headwaters near Billings. Montana. That would put me there after roughly 10 hours of driving. Now in truth that would be leaving at or around 7 am, 2 stop overs for fuel and 2 hours worth of stopping for doggy walking etc.... that would hopefully put me in the campground around 7pm. Which this is pressing so my back up is Cooney State park that is 8 hours from Lafayette
If I stop in Cooney, then I have an 11 hour drive the next day, which I might just split into two days because I really do not want to drive for that long. Maybe I will stop in my old stomping grounds of Kellog Idaho before driving the long boring drive to Omak. From Spokane to Omak is a really rough drive through the Native American Reservation, 2 and 1/2 hours of straight, flat, grassland with no features. So easy to fall asleep... so hard to drive. Anyways, it's more that I have to think about, especially in reference to my trip back. If it's going to take three days to get to Omak, I need to plan on at least 4 days back from Orcas Island.