My family and I went on a cruise out of Galveston for the Christmas holiday.
What follows are some excerpts from my journal entries.
Dec 23rd:
(on the road from Houston to Galveston)One thing I notice right away as we drive along the miles and miles of cracked highway corridor; the advertisers must have it easy. Their flashy billboards and bright colors provide a welcome relief to the travelers eyes, bombarded by the utter drabness of dilapidated buildings, dusty laundry, and industrial parks. even the small vestiges of humanity that are tucked in between the tons of concrete are quickly forgotten. Their rusty memories congealing together in my brain leaving me with a feeling of despair
(on the boat)We are finally onboard. Our room is great, with a beautiful balcony that looks out across the aft of the ship. Directly to the right of us is my mother and Jeff, then Irene and Wally.
Dec 24th : Christmas eve at sea

Dec 25th: Christmas with the family on board.

I am watching MASH.... and I can't help but say that I miss being in the military with my 'friends and family'.
Dec 26th : Jamaica - Snorkeling

Dec 27th: Grand Cayman - beaching....

Dec 28th: Cozumel Mexico, ATV TREK
(Tom split his lip on this trip)