Alright, will fill in more later, but left home at 1230 on Sunday and camped

overnight at Deep Hole Campground. By far and large one of the best campgrounds in all of northern Georgia. Partly because it is cut off from all other major camping areas and also because it restricted to the 8 campsites there right on the bend in the river. It was quite notable how low the river was running, so much so that the usual canoe and kayak launch platform was about 2 feet above river level.
Overnight the temperatures dropped down to about 25 degrees as we watched
Hoodwinked while we were all snuggled down inside the tent.
Early morning tried to make coffee in the camp percolator... what a well timed disappointment to have piss colored coffee to try and warm your fingers and your insides.
Left about 830 am from Deep Hole and headed up towards

Chattanooga TN, which if we were to stick to the GPS road map that mom brought we might have found ourselves off-roading across the national forests of northern GA.
Now I am sitting at Panera Bread Company, thankful that I finally changed my underwear.
One thing is for sure, the changing color of the leaves on the trees in the Piedmont area were so amazingly beautiful that quiet a few times I wanted to stop and snap a picture.