Monday, October 29, 2007

fire at the lake

Recently was down playing with poi and doing some yoga lakeside with a few friends. Here are some 'snaps'.

My journal writing has somewhat tapered off recently. Especially with the fact that I am a little stressed out by this move. While the majority of people use their journals and diaries as an escape, or another 'ear' to listen to their grievances.... I can not. My journal is usually filled with page upon page of lists, random events, simple mutterings, and general fluff. It's as if by filling my journals with the mundane, I am able to express through my letters to friends and family the greatness of each day.

That has always been the one thing that has greatly saddened me with the 'golden age' of technology. Although I did not grow up in an era that predates computers, I can't help but love the feeling of a handwritten letter from a long lost friend. When was the last time you walked to your mail box, pulled out a letter addressed to you, and stopped on your lawn or your driveway and just sat down to read it. Relishing in the moments of remembrance and happiness. Even the saddest of letters is most treasured in my home.

Last friday I went to a friends football game. The second time in my life I have ever gone to a high school football game to watch the coach and not the team. It's funny how different the whole high school football scene is down here compared to back home. I always thought of the 'Dirty South' as being pro-football everything. Back home the high school football stands are always packed. Even the small schools will always have full stands, and it's usually LOUD!!!. Oh yeah... and we usually try and make lots of noise when the opposing team is kicking off... not our own. I thought I was sitting in the wrong section when I heard all of the parents going nuts as their team tried to kick a field goal. Weird. :)

Alright.. this was random and I know it, so... I am going to go meet my realtor in half an hour and hope that this house sells as soon as possible... and at a good price of course!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

End of the Road, start of a new road trip.

I just recently separated from the Navy (oct 23rd) and I am finalizing all of the little nitty gritty stuff around here before I move up to Boulder Colorado. My mom said she would be willing to come down and join me for the drive, I am looking forward to this road trip across the southeast.... Might be kinda like the trip across the northern states that we did.... twice.

If you are in the Augusta area and want to get any last minute plans together please call me or email me. I expect to be leaving the area around nov 11th.

As all things must come to an end, so must things have a new beginning. I am sitting here in front of my computer contemplating all of the changes that are set to take place in the future, and I can't help but cling to memories of the past. A part of me feels as if I am just on extended leave, and tomorrow or the next day I will polish my boots, throw on my uniform and drive in to work. It's almost lonely without that part of me anymore. I know that there will always be that unspoken fraternity between myself and everyone who has ever served, however, I am no longer a 'living' part of it. There is something to be said for the grand celebrations of graduations, marriages, significant birthdays, and other life changing events. At least with that grand hooplah one gets the sense of closure and enlightment all wrapped up in one extravagant night. I am not sure whether or not a large celebration for my seperation from the Navy would be most suitable for the occasion, however there is something to be said for the general acceptance of it being the end. It's still really hard for me to accept that that was that.... there is no more. I am not so much tearful over my 'release' nor fearful of the future, as much as melancholy over memories. Although my overall experience was fun, the last 2 years have been wonderful. I have been so many places, met so many incredible people, and ended up in a job that was perfectly tailored for me. Now I am left to sitting in front of my computer beyond my usual bedtime (no stress about enough sleep for tomorrow) thinking about such mundane things as "where can i find the cheapest gas now, how am I going to put my hair up, can i just wear the same clothes for the next week and will anyone notice?". It is a truly humbling experience, and it might be some time before I realize whether or not I have come to any self affirmations or grand conclusions about life.

I hope this road trip can at least usher in the new chapter....

As it is in all of my journals, the last pages of this 'chapter' will be left blank, a deep seated desire to truly never finish something, as if the thought of remaining something incomplete means that all of those involved will keep me in their minds. As if that thought of 'finishing' also symbolizes a finalizing of our friendship.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Anthony Shoals

Went climbing recently back up at Anthony Shoals along the Broad River. Here are some of the pics I took on that trip. Featured Climbers are Ant and Tony.

This final picture is following the one top out I had all day, and it was an easy problem. I had just spent the previous day up in Columbia at the climbing gym for 4 hours.

'Swamp Rocks'

On a tip from Ant, Tony took us out to this new project area, for now termed 'Swamp Rocks'.

Running the Augusta Canal Overflow

It's been hard to do any sort of whitewater kayaking down here with this region in a supposed 'drought'. Although recently thanks to a tip off from my 'bro' we were able to run down and catch the last remnants of the overflow from the Canal. Supposedly the day before it was running about a foot and a half high ( near edges ) , the next day when we go there it was running a scrape-able sliding 9 inches in the center, by the time we left 2 hours later it was down to a small trickle.