Monday, June 26, 2006


Just a few updates for those watching the site.

The pictures from the quarry climb are now finally posted on to the south east climbers website. Feel free to check those out and see some of the picutres that for one reason or another wouldnt load on to the homepage.

Also we will be putting the July Calendar out sometime this week, so keep your eyes and ears open for that to be posted on the website and to be coming to some of you via 'high email'. As always we are always looking for input or suggestions, feel free to contact us at

On a side note, I will be leaving to go climb Mt Baker on July 15th, and will be gone for 2 1/2 weeks, following that I will be going on a short (4-6 month) deployment at which time Merryl will be taking over all of the fun stuff. If you have any questions or what have you, you can still contact her/us at the above listed address.

I was just recently asked to write an article and provide some pictures for the NIOC G's quarterly magazine the 'Navigator'. Hopefully the editor will approve the article and the photos, and you should be seeing it in the upcoming edition.

As always, if you have any photos that you took on a trip, we would love to have some copies. Preferably digital, and we would LOVE to put them on the website if you could send them via email. Please include the name of the subject, the location, and the date if possible.

As always, have a great day and I hope that even though the weather hasn't been the most conducive to being outdoors, that you are like me... drooling over topos and planning the next trip before the first one has ended!!

Be Green, Stay Happy
Nic, Lead Guide Outdoor Adventures.

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